Andrew Mussey
Software Developer at Samba TV, independent videographer, hobbyist DJ, & a Virginia Tech Hokie.
Testing Hubot Scripts
Using Mocha, Sinon, Chai, and Nock, we can assemble a very reliable testing suite for custom Hubot scripts.
Updating the Firmware on the LSI 9201-16i
A step by step guide on how to update the firmware and BIOs on the LSI 9201-16i SAS controller.
UpShot Screenshots: Keeping Short Links Short
UpShot is a great tool for sharing screenshots on OSX. However, the generated short links fall back to being long, unwieldy Dropbox links after being opened. Here's a PHP script to fix that.
Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Dashboard
Members of Rackspace's MyCloud team spent a portion of a November hackweek building a dashboard for our Cloud Monitoring alarms. The open source project can be easily deployed to Heroku and provides a clean, multi-account overview.